Do more and faster by integrating your tools with Armano
Save time by linking all your apps to Armano in just a few clicks.
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- App Integrations
Can’t find the app you are looking for in our marketplace?
We've got you covered! Connect effortlessly to hundreds of tools with Zapier for a seamless experience.
- Flexible solution
- Setup in seconds

Build your custom integrations with Armano’s API
Prefer building your own solution? Use our public API to create custom integrations tailored to your needs.

Easily create custom automations of the most commonly used tools
Effortlessly design custom automations for frequently used tools, streamlining workflows and enhancing efficiency across your processes.

Free installation
Discover free apps specifically designed to seamlessly integrate with your tools, enhancing connectivity and optimizing
workflows without any additional costs.
workflows without any additional costs.
Partner with Armano to boost your growth
Expand your client database by joining our Integrations Partner Program.